Practice Areas

Bond Family Law is a multi-attorney boutique law firm in Boulder Colorado that focuses exclusively on family law issues. Our commitment to family law practice allows us to dedicate all of our resources, experience and attention to this important area of law. Our attorneys take decisive steps that move your legal issues toward timely, successful resolution. We provide candid, straightforward counsel that is comforting, empowering, and effective.

Divorce & Legal Separation

Bond Family Law handles all aspects of your divorce in a manner that is most beneficial to you. We often resolve cases in mediation where we negotiate the terms of your divorce settlement, including property division, child custody, parenting time, child support, and alimony, in a forum that is lower conflict and less stressful than trial. However, we are experienced family law litigation attorneys who assertively advocate for your rights in court if litigation is in your best interest.

Learn more about Divorce & Legal Separation.

Marital Property & Asset Division

A marriage is a partnership that acquires assets and debts which must be equitably divided during dissolution. Our firm advocates for your rights to retain all property you are entitled to. We disentangle the complicated web of marital and separate property and retain the right professionals to make accurate valuations to ensure you receive what is rightfully yours.

Learn more about Marital Property & Asset Division.

Spousal Support, Maintenance & Alimony 

No spouse is automatically entitled to maintenance in Colorado. Whether a judge will grant spousal maintenance depends upon several factors, including need, length of the marriage, and earning or earning potential of each spouse. The court may also order spousal support during the pendency of the divorce based upon similar criteria. Our attorneys understand what the courts consider in deciding on maintenance based under a whole spectrum of fact scenarios.  We are able to negotiate or litigate for equitable maintenance or defend against excessive payment of support in your case. 

Learn more about Spousal Support, Maintenance & Alimony.

Parenting Time and Decision Making, Child Custody & Child Support

Where will your child primarily live? Who makes decisions for your child? When will your child stay with each parent? How will financial responsibility be divided? These are important questions for parents. Our attorneys put your child first as we guide you through the process of negotiating terms of child custody, parenting time, and child support with the other parent. If the other parent refuses to do what is best for your children, we are prepared to aggressively advocate for their best interests in a Colorado court.

Learn more about Parenting Time and Decision Making, Child Custody & Child Support.

Consult With Experienced Lawyers About Your Family Law Issues

Bond Family Law can help you through your family law issues, including divorce, child custody, parenting time, child support, asset division, and spousal support. For your convenience, we offer a free 30-minute consultation to learn more about your rights and the process for your case. Please call u s at 303-443-0079.

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Contact Us

Bond Family Law serves Boulder, Colorado, and the entire Denver-Boulder and surrounding metropolitan areas. Call us at 303-443-0079 to schedule your free 30-minute consultation with our dedicated family law attorney to learn more about your rights.

2503 Walnut Street, Suite 100, Boulder, CO 80302

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